Today, I have two exciting announcements to share:

  1. We’ve updated the Comprehensive Guide to Terraform blog post series all the way through Terraform 0.12!
  2. The Early Release of the 2nd edition of Terraform: Up & Running is now available! The 2nd edition of the book is nearly double the length of the 1st edition (~160 more pages), and it has been fully updated through Terraform 0.12, including two completely new chapters: Production-grade Terraform Code and How to Test Terraform Code.

Check out the following blog posts to learn what has changed in the Terraform world in the last 2 years by going over the top 10 problems that have been fixed in Terraform since the release of the 1st edition of Terraform: Up & Running:

Terraform: Up & Running, 2nd edition Early Release is now available!
Terraform: Up & Running, 2nd edition Early Release is now available!